
The Importance of English in the AI Era: Why Decision-Making Isn’t Enough

The article’s writer suggests that we no longer need to learn English as thoroughly as before.

自分はそれをみて「はー」と感心するだけだったのだが、つい最近になって翻訳AIで有名なDeep Lを使用し、卒倒するぐらいの衝撃を受けた。


AIの仕事のクオリティ、高すぎない? | Books&Apps (tinect.jp)

The writer’s suggestion is that decision-making is the most important skill in the era of AI.

I agree with the writer’s opinion that decision-making is crucial in the era of AI.

I’m wondering if I still need to study English in the era of AI.

If we are unable to connect to the internet, we cannot use AI to have conversations with people from other countries.

Due to the high speed at which the Japanese population is decreasing every year, I am concerned about my ability to survive in the Japanese economy in the future.

As a member of the current generation, born 38 years ago, speaking English as a primary language may be a requirement.

Thus, it is necessary for us to learn English; we have no choice but to do so.

And then one more thing I want to say.

As an administrative scrivener, my job requires me to have strong communication skills so that I can effectively convey my thoughts and ideas to customers.

If you were my customer, would you trust a specialist who uses a translation machine every time we communicate?

If you had the option to speak with two specialists, one who speaks the same language and another who uses a translator, which one would you trust more?

In my opinion, English proficiency is still required in the business world.



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